Sunday, September 19, 2010

Early morning in Addis Ababa from hotel balcony. I learned today that in Ethiopia the family name is not passed down, just one of the names (first or middle) of the father. As a result there is much more diversity since nobody is labeled by their last name (i.e. Madden=Irish?). I thought this was interesting. Christianity is the largest religion with Islam second.


  1. Do they not have coffee, or were you laying low so as not to wake anyone? And by the way, Addis has a booming population- at breakfast Friday it was about half a million, 4 million in yesterdays post, and 5 million in your voiceover today. I'd get out of there while you can...

  2. How dare Facebook not set up a satellite link for Sean as he travels into the African wilderness?!?!? Surely he will perish under these hardships.
